
By Mindseye

Walked, worked, worn out!

Slept pretty well, think the rum & cokes and the tears probably helped tbh! Didnt rush, got up and ready, was gone 9.30 by the time I got downstairs.....seemed a bit cloudy & chilly.

After breakfast I walked into town, called into the YMCA charity shop, to check if they were interested in a few things that have been in our garage for quite a while, showed them the photos, yes please.....they are being collected next Saturday. Then got the bits and pieces I wanted, called into Costa, resisted anything to eat, just had a flat white, which wasnt prepped great.....new girl needs more practice, tasted fine though! Walked back, by which time the sun had come out, had to carry my jacket..... really nice and warm.

Shopping put away, a quick lunch of veg tagine & couscous, just some leftovers.

Collected up the plant pot holders from the garage, they needed a good wash before they go to the charity shop, next got all my gardening gear out, and set about the big back border, lots of weeding, pulled up some poppies and aqualegias that have gone over, cut back the choiysa, now about 2/3s in size, a nice neat round shape too! Tied in two clematis that has wound themselves around plants in the border rather than the trellis. Cut off the spent flowerheads from the hellebores.
Shaped another bush, fast running out of space, green bin 3/4s full......hopefully just enough space for the grass cuttings, when I mow the lawns tomorrow morning.....run out of steam this evening!

Treated myself to a bottle of beer after my hard labour, sat in the sun a while.....looking at all the other things that still need doing!

Did some late evening watering, fed the camelias, rhododendrons & azaleas now they have all finished flowering, then went indoors and fed myself lol! Pork steak stir fried veg and spicy noodles, quick easy & tasty!

Been watching the Italy v Austria game, quite entertaining, shame about Wales :-/

Ive clocked up 14k steps today, gardening for 4-5 hours, think I have burned off a few calories lol!

Hopefully will sleep like a log tonight.....think I might be a bit achey tomorrow too lol!

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