Midsummer madness

Up early and headed to eishken to do some hills.

Left car at 7.30 am. Cracking walk along the lochside with harbour porpoise and otter as company. Reached the foot bridge that led to a path up into the hills.

First sighting of eagles as 3 soared above me, just sat down and admired them, as I set of again one swooped down close to check me out.

Tough ground to cover with a large drop before the first hill bagged caiteshal(12.00) then over to cipeagil bheag(13.00) after a lunch stop and water topup.

A tough climb back out of the Glen back onto high ground and contoured the ground to come out at the highest point to the next hill. More eagles, and one took off in front of me about 10 feet away a golden.

Gormol (16.30) summit reached after a wee detour by mistake.

A landslip across the Glen had the amazing shape of a bird.

Picking my way through the crags and down to the final hill, I was getting tired and plodding. Uisenis(18.30) cairn arrived at with stunning views. Check of map and the return route worked out along the watershed back to the bridge. A real slog over rough terrain with a few shielings breaking up the landscape.

Bridge arrived at and back along the loch, otter much closer so watched fir a while until the midges got to me. 4 harbour porpoises also appeared.

The car was a welcoming site at 22.00. With no signal tge family on edge but finally managed to make contact.

Tough day and a bit mad. Loads of eagles, snipe, dunlin and my favourite golden plover.

Shattered had a bath and bed.

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