Love Is Here

Nate had an awful feverish explains his behaviour yesterday, it must have been brewing. He obviously couldn't go to school today, so Danny and I have been tag teaming. I had Nate the first part of the day and then went out to collect this fantastic piece of art our DJ/artist friend Scott has given us! He's even given us the first edition!!! So so sooo generous! I absolutely love it, and the more I study it the more I love it. There's even an Eiffel Tower in there in the sunglasses reflection...perfect for me and Danny and our story. I can't wait til we can get it framed.  After seeing Scott and his family I wrote a little update and then met the couple in my extras - Emily and Pasha. They messaged the 24-7 Ibiza page yesterday saying they were here on holiday and would love to meet one of us. We had such a great hour together...they've booked another trip out so we'll definitely meet up again - I feel new friends coming on!!
Home for a chilled time with the kids - Asha tired after her water fight day at school, and Nate just tired, congested and feverish. Then tonight we had our monthly zoom with Brian and Tracy Heasley - good to catch up.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Scott's generosity. He's husband to Mandy.
2) Nate drinking Calpol when it's hidden in milk. Really hoping his fever comes down tonight.
3) This wonderful pair, Emily and Pasha - so open. 

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