Ellie & Joel

This is the couple who are here for 3 months - we have each Thursday morning with them here in town. 
The extra is a silly family pic taken for my wonderful cousin, Lance. It's his birthday today. The banner we're in front of is what we spray painted one of the times he flew (he's a pilot) into Ibiza to lay on the beach right by where you come into land...it says 'live yoy' which has become a standard phrase between us after he had an episode with cava, sleep deprivation and autocorrect...and 'love you' kept coming out as 'live yoy'...and so it's remained!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing one of our friends on the street who's managed to find a room!!! Social services are paying for it for a while. It's so wonderful...she has had an awful life on the streets. Hoping this next stage allows her some peace and recovery.
2) Praying with Joel and Ellie.
3) Beautiful Ethiopian music - if you have Spotify, look up Gigi, especially the track Abay but all of hers are beautiful. 

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