Hadrian’s Wall

After breakfast we headed out to investigate the pottery in the village. I imagined that it was going to be ‘indoor’ items, but they were big outdoor pots and ornaments. Necessary purchases were made and S collected the car to transport them 50 yards up the road to drop them off.
We made our way to Hadrian’s Wall and walked along to the Sycamore Gap Tree which is frequently photographed and appears on posters. The weather was beautiful and lots of people were out walking. There was plenty of space and fresh air, so no concerns. The scenery was stunning.

I coped with the walking and heat remarkably well, but we needed some refreshments. We drove over to Gilsland to the House of Meg Tea Rooms and just made it in time. I had strawberry and pomegranate Old Mout Cider, a first for me, so refreshing and tasty. The fascinating thing was that the label says ‘established in Nelson, (been there!!) New Zealand!!!  But it’s brewed in Herefordshire.

On the way back we visited elderly friends of S’s in Henshaw. We had coffee and scones in their beautiful garden. They have seen very few people during the pandemic and were so pleased to chat to us. 

We returned to Barton Mill and our accommodation where we had a lovely dinner and played some card games. 

A wonderful day. 

I added more pictures. Including a view of the quirky accommodation that we had.

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