Cooking for a friend!

My oldest friend arrived in time for lunch. She’d been staying with her sister in the Borders and has come for the night.

Mr C and I found it quite stressful getting the house clean and everything sorted for her arrival. (We used to have lots of friends so stay but we are out of practice.)

After lunch Jenny and I went up the moor for a walk. My foot is so much better. It was great to be able to walk normally without the added effort of limping and pain. However Jenny found it quite tiring so we had to take a quick route off the hill. We’d only done 3.5 miles when we got back. I was surprised as she plays tennis twice a week which I certainly couldn’t do.

Anyway she rallied with tea and cake followed not long after by G&T while I prepared food. The blip is the starter I made up. I lined a ramekin with smoked salmon and filled it with a bit of beetroot and cream cheese with wasabi. Then we had a favourite pasta dish of Gorgonzola, walnuts and pears. Pudding was some fruit I’d covered with brandy last year in a Kilmer jar, served with a bit of cream and toasted hazelnuts.

It was so warm today when the sun shone but when the clouds appeared it was too cold to sit outside. Hopefully the forecast will be wrong and we’ll can get a quick walk before lunch.

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