Stefania S-elebrations

Asha woke feeling grotty still, so we kept her home. The benefit of that was being in WHEN MY CAMERA CAME BACK! I sent it away towards the end of March - so so great to have it back! Jud and I went to have coffee with a lady who lives in a shelter - good to see her. It can be intense 1 on 1 sometimes, so the dynamic of an extra person there worked well.
Home to make a Victoria sponge cake for Stef's birthday. They don't really exist here and I can now see why - it was a battle against the clock to get it from home to Nude's fridge without the cream totally still ended up sliding and resembling the Leaning Tower of Pisa! But it's her favourite cake, so it was worth it. Good to celebrate her - she's had a tough year, so it was extra good to rally round her with balloons, cake, Cava and gifts, and let her know how much we love her. Extra pic in extras.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Flexibility which means Danny and I can swap and share tasks so that Asha could stay home and we could still do our things.
2) Danny cleaning the new washing machine after I washed a guys clothes but didn't go through his many pockets and it turns out they were stuffed with tissues...eeeeek!
3) My camera being back - so so glad to be using my own trusty Canon again!

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