By lizzie_birkett

Spike and Milligan!

Yes! We have hedgehogs! I am so happy. 
Last night it was time for Bella May’s bedtime wee and I couldn’t find her lead so went out the back to see if I’d left it there. I heard some funny noises - grunting and snuffling. I got my phone flash light and these two are what I saw. Hopefully they were eating the pesky slugs. I got soaked while I watched them as it was torrential rain.

The extras are of Frank building the greenhouse today. He’s my hero!
There were some bits missing so he made them himself out of strips of metal that SiL Johnnie gave him. He’s worked so hard all day. He amazes me really because he’s 70 years old and suffers from Polymyalgia Rheumatica which causes lots of aches and pains for which he takes steroids. He likes to be busy though, he’s always been like that. We are well matched!
The 3rd extra is a Red Tail Bumble Bee, happily buzzing in the Aubretia and the Dandelion.

I made dinner for a change - pasta with a tasty tomato, pepper and peas sauce.

It hasn’t rained today at all but is forecast tonight. I got a few jobs done in the garden.

Then I parcelled up the clothes I sold on eBay which I will post in the morning. They didn’t make as much as I would have liked as I was selling them for charities but I suppose any small amount helps.

Settling down for the evening now with a beer p, knitting and the telly.

Hope you all had a good weekend.
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts!

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