Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Last of the Tree Peonies

They are today starting to fade, but I though worth one last shot for this year.

Hears a gem from the great old poet Anon, found in "The Rattle Bag ". I believe I've heard it as a music hall song.

Dahn the Plug' ole
A muvver was barfin 'er biby one night,
The youngest of Ten and a tiny young mite,
The muvver was pore and the biby was thin,
Only a skelington covered in skin:
The muvver turned rahnd for the soap orf the rack,
She was but a moment but when she turned back,
The biby was gorn and in anguish she cried
Oh where is my biby ? --- the Angels replied :
Your biby is gorn dahn the plug 'ole,
Your biby as gorn dahn the plug : 
The poor little thing was so. skinny and thin
'E oughter been barfed in a jug
Your biby is perfectly 'happy,
'E wont need a barf any more,
Your biby 'as fell dahn the plug 'ole,
Not lorst but gorn before !.

Mac was just a pain as I tried to type this. It has other ideas on word spelling. 

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