By lizzie_birkett

Poor Bella...

...has not felt well today. She ate a bit of her brekkie then vomited it back up. She's looked miserable all day. Yesterday she drank some canal water which she often does but the farmer had been spraying liquid cow muck on the field and it was running into the canal. The farmers also use the canal water to to clean out the tank.
My worst nightmare would be to fall in!

This morning the weather was fine so we worked outside - Frank weeding our bit of the tow path and I planted up the pots and also planted the broad beans.
We stopped for lunch outside on the back deck - mashed avocado, chopped tomato, cress and black pepper on ryvitas. Yum, one of my favourites.

I phoned my sister Sue and we chatted for ages.
We got rained off for a while this afternoon but then the sun came out again and I carried on till about 7pm. A most enjoyable day.

I had to have a break whilst writing this as the Great British Sewing Bee was on. 
I find myself tensing up when I'm watching them do a difficult bit. I don't know how they do it under such stress. They made some lovely kids clothes tonight.

Hope you all had a good day. 
Goodnight :-)X

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