By lizzie_birkett

Missing These 2 Too!

It's ages since we saw these two!
Poppy (10) and Arlo (nearly 8) live in a beautiful wee village - Moniaive - in South West Scotland.

They are proper outdoor kids and love romping about in the woods, climbing trees, making campfires and going swimming in a local river pool - freezing cold water by all accounts!
Their Mum Anna (my stepdaughter) tells me they're coping fine with lockdown and keeping busy - sometimes on screens but also on their bikes, playing with Lego, board games and drawing and colouring in and playing with their gorgeous little dog Wookie - a brown Cocker Spaniel.
I'm sure they'll be missing their various clubs etc. Arlo plays football and Poppy goes to dancing school - ballet and tap.
I can't remember ever seeing these two fight - I'm sure they will have had the odd squabble but they get on really well together.
They are growing up so fast and I see such a difference in them in this photo from when we last saw them. I hope they can visit us in the not too distant future.

Today I made white bread with oats, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. So at lunchtime we had Frank's yummy broth and my bread with the homemade vegan butter. Delicious!

When I'm making bread I always put some of my favourite music on and knead the bread for as long as 3 songs takes.
Today I played one of my favourite woman singer songwriters - Mary Gauthier. I just love Mary! Here a link:

Today I heard from my cousin in Manchester that she has been ill for the past 11 days and tested positive for Covid19. She works in the community and must have caught it at work.
She says she's on the mend but has kidney pain and feels very tired. Brings it closer to home.

Happy International Nurse's Day to those to whom it applies - including Poppy and Arlo's Daddy Peter and Alison's
(blipper Greengirl) daughter Sarah and many of my friends who I nursed with before I retired. Clapping just isn't enough for all the hard working NHS staff and carehome nurses and support workers.

I'm still spreading the message Stay Home Stay Safe! ;-) x

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