
By LifeLines

Mothers' Day

Many thanks to everyone who congratulated me yesterday on my 100th blip - all your kind comments are much appreciated!

Today was a day of rapidly changing weather conditions. It was very exicting to be out in it with my camera but I had to work quickly with freezing cold hands to capture scenes which were changing by the second. One moment I was basking in sunshine and blue skies, then watching the dark grey clouds gather on the horizon and bands of snow - which looked like tornadoes - move in across the hillside. As I type there is a white-out going on and the snow is blowing around wildly! Amidst taking photographs I also of course phoned my lovely mum, and managed to cram in some soup making and bagel baking!

Walk in Her Shoes: Day 7 - 12, 000 steps. Mission accomplished! Many thanks to all for your kind donations and support. Its been great fun watching my steps accumulate and I have decided to keep wearing my pedometer for the rest of the month to see if I can continue to walk at least 10, 000 steps a day.

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