Looking good

A trip to Cobbs to buy bird seed, followed by a detour to checkout the situation at Torksey Lock. We were last there on the 30th January after my first vaccine injection when there was considerable flooding. 

The water level is normal today and the fields to the right, in front of the old power station, can be seen. When the water level is high it causes flooding to the road going northbound. It looks as though they are working on flood defences.

The weather was looking good in this direction, but looking in the opposite direction it was very different (in extra). By the time we got home there was an tremendous clap of thunder, then heavy thumping rain for about 5 minutes. 

I took a picture of the information board by the lock, interesting detail. I hadn’t realised that there are two paths that we can walk along. I would like to head toward the Trent and the towers. 

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