Old Man

Took the stopping train (it's the only one there is) up to Thurso and then got the ferry at Scrabster. I was pleased to get a good view of the Old Man of Hoy, since Ogatodomar always liked to blip him if he could.

Once in Stromness I checked in to the hotel (which wasn't properly open yet, but they kindly opened up a room for me in the annex) and then went up to visit cousin Mouse. It was very nice to see evidence of blippers in her home - an immediately recogniseable sheep painting by marmitewoman and a huge wooden bowl made by Kaybee, both gifts from O of course.

The extras are Dundas Street as I made my way back to the hotel (very quiet!) and a bonus gannet who'd cruised alongside the Hamnavoe for a while, for DaveH.

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