Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

On Reflection...

It's been a long time since I've uploaded anything. Last Sunday should have been my 4th year on blip. This year has just been lived at a different pace. The longer I went without uploading, the harder it was to come back. There are photos on the hard drive, one day they may get uploaded but if they don't, that's ok too.

I've been taking photos but I've not really felt inspired. At Christmas with time to play and a new toy in my hands, I wanted to be taking photos again, but back in my real life, there just wasn't the time for experimentation and learning. Today though, I felt inspired. After 10pm, about to go to bed and I decided I had to get a photo of a present that arrived today.

I bought this wood when I was in the old flat (so 4 years ago, if not longer). One day it was destined to be a mirror for the hallway. Unfortunately any time I considered starting it, I was scared to ruin the beautiful Yew. It got taken down home some time ago, maybe there I could borrow equipment and advice to finish it. Still nothing came of it. Recently my mum did a woodworking course and made my dream for this piece of wood a reality. Imagine my surprise when it was brought up for me today completed. Not having seen the wood for so long, I was in awe of its beauty.

My mum was supposed to be joining my dad on the visit today but unfortunately my gran has been ill so she was needed at home. I wanted to take a beautiful picture of it and post it for my mum to see how much it was appreciated. You would not believe how hard it is to get a good shot of a mirror in a dark hallway. Imagine my surprise though on coming to upload it to see she had also featured it today. Great minds think alike? Fools seldom differ?

Thanks Mum I love it!

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