The fourth wall

I've always had a particular penchant for those characters that break the fourth wall, that hit the pause button and interact with the audience.
It's got to be done well.

Today after lots of increasingly complex incident management scenarios we got to the really real stage... The group needed to evacuate a casualty (me) from a super hazardous spot, with only four of them. My condition was deteriorating (some would say that's been happening for years) and help wasn't coming. A tough call. But just as it was going so well I started to throw up.... and they nailed it. Lots of communication and I was put down and rolled very quickly but competently.
While all of that was going on I'd also noticed a moment of wonder; so we hit that pause button and I praised and debriefed them, then suggested they all protect their eyes* and look up.

A 22° ice halo around the sun. A neat reward.

Then they needed to go go go.

* Scott is shielding his eyes and looking at his phone, not at the sun. Usually I don't like people in my shots but I think he kinda makes this one work.

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