The front line

I spent today assisting with fit testing of face masks and ppe for ambulance crew.
Let that sink in for a moment.
We're into month three of this pandemic, and today we are making sure that the very first people through the door have the right kit. Having seen how rigorous the process is its made me realise how truly awful the ppe we've had to date has been. If I'm just realising that now I'm sure the crews I met today have known for a lot lot longer. And yet. They've all still done their job diligently to the best possible standards regardless.
I really really hope when all this is over we move on as a society and start to realise and appreciate who the real heroes are, who we should want to be role models for the next generation, who should be paid and valued so much better.
Applause is not nearly thanks enough.

It's not often a view like that is relegated to extras, but today it was no contest.

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