
By cowgirl

Cross town traffic

So hard to get across. So Jimi says anyway.

The lorry had trouble getting in because a) it’s huge and b) there was a gurt big tractor in the way!

The sun makes everyone smiley though and the drivers cheerfully sorted themselves out.

You can’t really get any idea of size from my hastily snapped shot that I took as I waited to cross the yard from the muck heap to the stables. They were both huge - I mean the lorry must have filled the lane it had to be driven along to get to us. Not ‘must have’ - it absolutely did, I’m sure even though I didn’t see it!

Got that song stuck in my head now ... still, there are worse earworms than Jimi Hendrix.

Edit: Drat, I realised I had 2 other pics lined up for today, so I’ve added them as extras as I can’t decide which to post! One I’d Sav’s latest commission for another delighted dog owner and the second is one of my friend’s chicken. I went to see Jan as haven’t seen her for months. We sat in the ( large! ) garden and whilst she was inside making me a coffee, I went to see the chickens and ducks. The ducks were shy, but the chooks were a bit more up for a moment in the spot light. Plus I was pushing grass into their run to tempt them closer!

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