Dryad's Saddle

Daughter’s surgery went well yesterday and I collected her around 5 p.m. She is going to be resting for a few weeks now - so we are going to be regular child minders on Thursdays and Saturdays for a while to help out.

Waiting in for parcels first thing today - so no walk until mid morning!

In the woods I spotted that my old fungus friend, the Dryad’s Saddle, has appeared again. I love the textures and patterns on the surface.

This shot was taken with the little Lumix in Macro mode. I tried with the R6, but with it being full frame I couldn’t get much in focus. One to go back to with a tripod and try the in camera focus stacking function (or focus bracketing as Canon calls it). So it may make another appearance soon dear blippers. It does look rather good in LARGE mode.

Supermarket delivery this afternoon - got most things - no onions though!

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