Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Robert’s day for Archie. He (Archie) does get very excited. He (Archie) charges about, crying like a baby - into the garden and grabs mouthfuls of dirt. Daft.

I spent the morning on the bench out front - though it wasn’t the sunny weather we’ve come to expect. JR, after her Gym Bunnies session, decided to do a bit of gardening/weeding, and put out some lovely new compost. Archie LOVES this stuff even more than plain dirt, but she’s got his measure - she scattered a strong smelling green stuff all over, which (they claim) deters cats and dogs.

When he came home, he was not too pleased, and stood looking at the garden, but did not grab a mouthful. Good.

We spent a bit of time in the back garden, Archie chasing after his ‘frisbee’. Well, it’s just a plastic ring, but he goes crazy for it. He’s not much of a tail wagger, but boy! It goes mad when he’s waiting for this to be thrown for him. You then have a massive tug of war to get it off him.

Watched our ‘webinar’ in the afternoon, which had a few technical difficulties at first, but it told us nothing that we couldn’t see on the relevant websites. Food for thought...

Our First Minister has announced that pubs and restaurants can reopen indoors from Monday! But that was always the case, so I don’t know what’s new. My torture session at Body Street starts again.

Meeting up with the new four legged neighbour tomorrow. 

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