Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

And now for something completely different!

First of all, thank you everyone for your good wishes, stars and hearts for yesterday's wedding pics. I can hardly believe we've actually made it and that I have a new son-in-law! We had a lovely day, albeit not the one we had expected, but the sun shone and we made memories, we've lots of time to make more too.
I was tired this morning, not at my most lively and regretfully gave church a miss. I felt better for the slow start though and when Colin came back we had a very nice bacon roll together - at least I don't have to worry about not getting into my dress any longer!
I went over to the newly weds to pick up my car, they had used it after the wedding to go down to South Queensferry where the photographer took some more pictures. They first met there when working in an hotel, ironically she was a wedding planner before she went into teaching! (Hong laugh)
I've put an extra of what they found when they got home afterwards! One of their friends had paid a visit! No chance of keeping the event of the day secret even if they had wanted to. (which they didn't)
Back home again, I drove through dark skies and quite heavy but wet snow.... so glad that didn't happen yesterday!
It became sunny again a little later and I spotted this little hover fly on the dining room door so this is an over and under shot of it.
I've also put a little flower in the extras, can anybody identify it? It is growing quite extensively in cracks in the roadway and along the pavement edge near us. I've had a look with plant net but it's not offering any suggestions. I think I've found it, see the first comment below.
It's very small, has a creeping habit and lots of flowers which are just a couple of mm across. They have a slight pink tone to them and are similar in shape to clover, although the leaf is a different shape and is quite fleshy.

Keep safe everyone, things are changing quickly but we just need to be cautious. Our numbers in Scotland are generally going down well, Edinburgh continues to have fewer cases. I would so like to be able to go away in the summer, just within Scotland and to be able to meet some more people too.

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