Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

National hypochondriCAT Day

I see from Blipper Marchmont that it is National Pet Day! Hmmph! This cat, seen here tucking into her food this evening with great relish, has had a diva day.
Last year at her vaccine and check up appointment they told me that she had a broken tooth which was being reabsorbed and it should really be removed to avoid causing her any trouble. What with one thing and another that didn't happen so at her appointment this year the message was repeated and I arranged for her to go in today. She wouldn't take the sedative last night so I spent last night with only intermittent sleep as I worried about her. I took her to the vets this morning for surgery under a GA. I had to listen to all of the dreadful things which might happen to her during surgery and left the vets feeling sad that I hadn't even given her a cuddle as I'd hurriedly shoved her into the cat basket before she realised what was happening! She was as difficult as ever at the vets, worse without the sedative probably, however at 3.30 I had a call to say all was well and I could collect her at 5.45. She had not had any teeth out though as it wasn't necessary as the tooth had been completely absorbed with no ill effects. Madam however, when I saw her notes, had clearly lived up to her reputation. They'd had a job putting her under and then she kept waking so they had to keep topping up the GA then they decided she'd had enough so they brought her round early.
When I went to pick her up they said she had been 'feisty' and 'sassy' which I translate as 'a vicious little madam'. She had this pretty pink bandage on her leg where the cannula had been so I thought I'd take a picture for a sympathy vote - but she had it licked off before we even got home.
Feisty! Hmmmm. I'm awful glad I have insurance, that was a very expensive scale and polish.
She might not be hungry they said, yeah right! Two tins later!

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