Reading break

A very exciting day today well not really - Asda straight after school drop off which is always a treat then Fat Club (another 2lb carelessly misplaced) followed by a Mumsnet meet at Gylly Beach Cafe!

Thankfully no Poomageddon today (all will be clear if I ever upload yesterday's blip) but I did find the cable that lets me connect the iPod/iPad to the bedroom telly therefore bringing the delights of iPlayer, 4OD and the ITV/Ch5 to the comfort of my bed but on a screen I can actually see!

Indian mince for tea which was a hit again except Lily but she eats buggerall then a moment of organisation and teamwork that has resulted in packed lunches ALREADY DONE, dishwasher loaded, reading diaries ready and Book Day costumes sorted.

I love it when a plan comes together...

As Spring seems to be springing, I have been walking most of the school runs. By the time Red was on his 4th leg he'd had enough and sat on the pavement to read the books in Lily's book bag...

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