Happy St Piran's Day

For most of the world, 5th March means not a lot. Since moving to Cornwall, we have come to realise that it is indeed a very important day and should be granted bank holiday status.

Bella with a number of other yr7s, plus a couple of primary school classes, a circus group and some other very important people took part in a parade through town. The children danced beautifully. Bella was delighted I turned up with a camera to watch her.

As the sun started to show through, I thought I would take Red to the beach and try getting some decent blip pictures.

Only Poomageddon occurred. He pooed his pants. Tried to clear it up and smeared it all over the bathroom floor (thankfully Lino). Then stood in it in his shoes and walked it across the landing and into Ally's room where he was trying to torment play with Stella. Unfortunately these are carpet.

So I spent the lovely Spring like afternoon clearing up small boy shite. Nice.

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