Tawel fel y bedd

Tawel fel y bedd ~ Quiet as the grave

"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
-- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

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Heddiw oedd fy mhen-blwydd yn 62 mlwydd oed - mae'r amser yn hedfan. Dewisais i ddechrau rhedeg eto heddiw ar ôl ychydig o fisoedd i ffwrdd. Rydw i'n dal yn gallu rhedeg 5k, ond rydw i'n arafach ar hyn o bryd. Os rydw i'n rhedeg yn gyson, rydw i'n teimlo siŵr fy mod i'n gallu rhedeg yn gyflymach eto.

Ar ein penblwyddi roedden ni fel arfer dewis rhywbeth i wneud neu rhywle i fynd. Roedd e wedi bod amser hir ers i ni ymweld ag Eglwys Gadeiriol Llandaf a'i mynwent hanner gwyllt, felly roedd hynny fy newis.  Rydw i'n hoffi mynwentydd oherwydd ei bod nhw'n mor dawel.  Roedd y diwrnod yn heulog, felly cerddon ni i'r fynwent ar hyd yr afon, yn osgoi fyrdd prysur cymaint â phosib. Roedd nifer o bobl allan, yn mwynhau'r tywydd braf. Roedd rhai ohonyn nhw yn cael picnic ar lan yr afon, fel roedd e'n draeth. Doeddwn i ddim wedi gweld pobl yn gwneud hyn yn fawr cyn y pandemig. Rydw i'n meddwl bod mwy o bobl yn gwerthfawrogi eu hardal leol nawr. Cerddon ni ar hyd i'r arglawdd cyn gallen ni ffeindio ffordd i lawr trwy'r meysydd chwarae prifysgol i'r fynwent.

Mae'r fynwent yn teimlo fel cyfuniad o ofal ac esgeulustod, wedi'i drin ac yn wyllt, mae'n rhywle eithaf arbennig. Doedd dim llawer o bobl yn y fynwent ac roedden ni'n gallu treulio amser tawel yna. Roedd Nor'dzin yn arbrofi gyda'i chamera. Mae hi'n gallu tynnu ffotograffau gwych nawr oherwydd mae camera gyda hi y gall ei reoli. Roedd awr lonydd gyda ni yn y fynwent cyn penderfynon ni mynd i fyny i Landaf dal bws adre.

Gyda'r nos cawson ni pitsa a chwpl o benodau 'Babylon 5' (un o'n hoff gyfres).

Roedd pen-blwydd hapus iawn.

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Today was my 62nd birthday - time flies. I chose to start running again today after a few months away. I can still run 5k, but I'm slower at the moment. If I run regularly, I feel sure I can run faster again.

On our birthdays we usually chose something to do or somewhere to go. It had been a long time since we visited Llandaff Cathedral and its half-wild graveyard, so that was my choice. I like cemeteries because they are so quiet. The day was sunny, so we walked to the cemetery along the river, avoiding busy roads as much as possible. Many people were out, enjoying the nice weather. Some of them were having a riverside picnic, like it was a beach. I hadn't seen people doing this much before the pandemic. I think more people value their local area now. We walked along the embankment before we could find a way down through the university playing fields to the cemetery.

The cemetery feels like a mixture of care and neglect, cultivated and wild, it's somewhere quite special. The cemetery wasn't very crowded and we were able to spend some quiet time there. Nor'dzin was experimenting with her camera. She can take great photos now because she has a camera that she can control. We had a tranquil hour in the cemetery before we decided to go up to Llandaff to catch a bus home.

In the evening we had pizza and a couple of episodes of 'Babylon 5' (one of our favorite series).

It was a very happy birthday.

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