Not what we planned

An ok night sleep wise, but hubs breathing was still concerning me. We had planned a day sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine today, whilst I tackled our pond!!

To cut a long story short, spoke to various people this morning, paramedics came to assess and their recommendation was to take hub to Christies. He really did not want to go, took us 4 hours to persuade him to go willingly. I followed in the car just in case after assessment he was allowed home.....unlikely, and ultimately not the case.

This blip is the outside space and garden at Maggies, which is where I sat whilst waiting to find out what was happening.....if you look closely on the right, you can see the white chair I was sat in.

At the moment they are not sure what is causing hubs breathing difficulities, hes on maximum steriods again and intravenous antibiotics.......just got to hope he responds.
The Dr. who is looking after him rang me to update me.....they are waiting for the radiographers comments following his scan yesterday. Looks as though hes going to be with them for 48-72 hours at least.

Failed miserably on the steps front today didnt step out of the house until 2.30.....not even managed half but have to say didnt really give it a second thought until I sat down tonight. Thankfully more than enough in the bank to cover the shortfall!

Link below if you would like to donate xxx

Fingers crossed for signs of improvements tomorrow xxx

Take care all

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