
By Mindseye


Slept pretty well......hub wasnt great when we got up, very anxious and he made it clear he really didnt want to go for the CTscan this afternoon. After a lot of talking, coercing and a few tears, we got to a place that we were both ok with, which lead to us keeping his appointment this afternoon.

We still managed to go have our coffee, back home for a sandwich lunch....before driving over to the hospital in good time.

Fortunately everything went very smoothly, they knew he didnt need to drink the yucky stuff as he calls in, the nurse got his cannula in first time, no dramas, he was in to the scanner and out again within 15 minutes.. fingers crossed we dont hear anything in the next day or so, do not want to hear from them until the next tele consultation planned for 12/4.

Lovely sunny evening when we got home, we sat in the summerhouse for an hour or so, I pottered around the garden a while with my camera, whilst hub read his paper. I hadn't realised that the fritilleries were up until I was having a scout around.....so they had to be my blip for today!

Dinner tonight was chicken stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon for hub and I made myself a chicken & veg stir fry.

I went out afterwards for a very swift half hour to top up my steps, see extra, a bit better today. Please click the link below if you would like to make a donation, only two more days to go, yay!!

We watched the last episode of Unforgotten!!
So good......hope they put something else decent on in its place next week??!!

Hubs just gone ip, got him settled with jean, just popped back down to finish,off this post and thats me for another day, night all, stay safe.

Heres to the first little break out towards normality eh!! :-))

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