Who needs shelter?

I drove to school this morning in the most torrential downpours. Resigned to a morning inside, I hadn't even worn my outdoor gear. I was less than amused to arrive at school to find my gung-ho colleague, Becci, all ready for an outdoor session. "No fear", I thought, "the young people won't be dressed for it and will refuse to go outside". I can't believe every single one of them voted to go outside. Just when you think you can trust them.

To be fair, the rain stopped and we had an epic morning of shelter building. The above image was inside one of the shelters, a grill with sausages on. Gotta love their attention to detail. This was followed by an Easter Egg hunt. My first ever, I think.

Mentoring session was tough. One of those where the face of my mentee was enough to tell me to ditch all my plans and deal with the immediate issues. I've been really frustrated lately because we seem to do 50 mins of a session with nothing to go on and then about 5 mins before she leaves she drops a bombshell that really needs another hour to unpack. I was pleased to hear a colleague from another centre say that this is quite normal and they referred to it as 'locking the door' chat or something like that. I can understand the psychology behind it but it isn't half frustrating. 

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