Alreet flower?

We both slept ok, but still felt tired when we woke.....breakfast at our leisure, a bit of morning tv, then we got ourselves together, downstairs by 10.30. Hub was keen to get outside into the fresh air, as he feels so much better. He said he felt a bit weak but we think its the tiredness from the radiotherapy thats the culprit. Didnt stop us enjoying our coffees in the car....he was ok with me going for a walk and picking up a couple of bits too. I was only gone 30 mins....Im getting to be an expert speed walker ;-))

A drive home, then lunch before we had an hour chilling, hub watched the cricket, pre leaving for todays appointment at 4.25pm. An easy trip over there, roads were quiet....usual routine, then we checked in at 4.10..... spotted the board saying 1.5hr delay to appointment times :-( It seemed really quiet compared to yesterday and Friday, but what do we know! Hub got seen at 5.40 so not quite so long a wait, but long enough. He always feels buoyed when he comes out after treatment, they are encouraging and hopeful this will help him feel better, so fingers crossed!

Back to the waiting area, left hub whilst I dashed to get the car, annoyingly, the car park attendant had finished so I couldnt get my ticket validated there, so had to go back to the hospital to get it done ....hub was wondering where Id got too! That added another 20 minutes to our time there.....on a positive note, it was a few more steps towards my total, again, only just made it today!!! See extra, and as usual please click below if you can, thank you.

No time to get a blip outdoors today so you have my alstromerias, which believe it or not, are the ones my sis bought for me on hubs birthday, which was way back on 2 March!!!

Only two more appointments to go, it is tiring and a bit frustrating all the waiting around, as hub said today, his time is precious and he doesnt want to be wasting it sat around in waiting rooms :-/

Its been very overcast all day today, but not too cold, it was still 11 degrees when the left hospital this evening at 6.30pm, not long now until the clocks change, yay!!!!

Hope you are all safe and well.

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