If you go down to the woods.....

Slept heavily last night, all that walking and pushing the mower lol! Didnt hear hub get up in the night.....we woke proper just after 8, builders arrived over the road too!

Up and ready after hair marathon, out the door in time for our late elevenses, enjoyed sat in the car of course. Left hub people watching whilst I went off for a quick walk.....todays blip snapped along the way.

Lunch when we got home was a quick egg and ham sandwich, then I prepared a quick chicken & bacon pasta dish for when we got back from the hospital.

Left home just after 3, dropped hub,off just before 4, usual tooing and froings, checked in to Radiotherapy 4.15....... was 6.30 when he was called. Out in 15 minutes, in the car by 7 and home by 7.40, dinner heated and consumed by 8.30!!

Hubs been feeling a bit tired today, but not too bad overall. Hes readt for bed now though.

I did a half hour zoom meeting with some photo club friends before watching Unforgotten......bit of a shock ending!! Looking forward to the final episode next week.

Only just got my steps total in today, but made it. Link below if you would,like to,click :-)

Another appointment,tomorrow, not quite so late, so we will see how things go!!

Hope youve all had a good and save start to the new week.

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