sunnyside outside

Slept pretty well, alarm went off at 7.30…… I was up by 7.45, hair done & a bit of make up on, then after a satsuma & a banana for breakfast I was off out into the sunshine.

Had a lazy couple of hours in the coffee shop, a large cappuccino, whilst doing Wordle. Had a catch up with a couple of friends on messenger. Snapped todays blip, another in my coffee series…… definitely more people sat outside in the sunshine than inside today!

Caught up with youngest as DiL has had her MR scan results…. nothing sinister found which is great, but they’ve said its just a weighting game for the Bells Palsy to improve :-/

Drove home, made myself a lovely feta cheese, parma ham and olive salad for lunch. Took my cuppa up to my desk, another busy 4 hours flew by! Left to go to daughters around 5.15…… just 3 of us today, S working later these days.

Coronation chicken salad for tea lol I enjoyed it though :-)! We played rummikub…. Emily won both games!

Daughter dashed off to purchase some champers on offer at Sainsburys before people got wind of it lol!

Its not bedtime at 12.15 so that’s me done for today :-)

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