
By ashep

Melbourne Exhibition Centre

This is the relatively new Exhibition Centre, which replaced the old, more traditional one in Carlton. I've seen everything from travel expos, to motorcycle shows, to tattoo conventions here, there's always something interesting on. This photo didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but it still shows off the very cool architecture so it'll do for today :)

I forgot to mention in my last blip (and I don't know how that happened because it's all I can think about), but I booked my flight to Perth on Sunday so I'll be moving there for the next little while! From here on out I'm going to be a bit more nomadic, hopefully on the move most of the time with stretches of a few weeks in the same place here and there to restock the bank account! I've gotten so comfortable in Melbourne and I love it here, but time to venture back out into the unknown now!

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