Newbarns fields

Sunday. Some of our more favourite walks tend to get busy at the weekend, as everyone seems to be out and of course due to lockdown restrictions they cant travel far either. 
We decided to walk from home up to 'old' Newbarns . Contrary to its name Newbarns is the oldest area in Barrow. One of the buildings is dated 1625 but there may well have been buildings there for a lot longer than that, when the Furness peninsula was mainly just woods and fields.  
The story goes that when the monks built Furness Abbey they moved several  farm buildings and the families were rehomed where they built some new barns.. So people could  have lived there since the 12th century 

A pleasant enough walk to get there. The cherry trees along the road are just budding. A few more weeks and they should be in flower. 

Judging by the well trodden muddy areas in the entrance to each field it's a popular place but today we had it to ourselves and we could let Fletch off the lead. Blip is one of the less muddy paths from the lane. The lane is lined by what once may have been hedge but is now overgrown into mature trees. It felt like we were in the middle of the country instead of the town. 

When we got back home the sun came out. Our garden was sheltered from the rather icy wind ( "a bit fresh," as they say round here.) 
So I got out the garden chairs and for the first time this year.sat out and read. 

It was still light at quarter to 7 tonight.. ...and a week from now itll be still light at nearly 8pm! 
It wasnt  that long ago that I was enjoying wonderful sunsets long before 6. 

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