Spring Blossom

AH grounds for walkies today. A cold grey day and the trees are still bare so only had my phone camera and didnt expect to take any photos, but at the corner of the building I saw this blossom,  against the pink it was reminiscent  of a Japanese painting. 
Still not sure if its wild cherry but whatever, it's pretty and a welcome sight.

Back home I decided to listen to the last 1hr 40 mins of my 20hr long audio book... only to discover that my loan from Cumbria Library has expired ! I tried to renew it but it is unavailable till 6th April! So  frustrating! It's also puzzling How can they only have one copy of an e book which is presumably  stored on the cloud.. surely there could be unlimited 'copies'? 
Technology is confusing!

As it was I had a phone call from my friend in Braintree so we had a good long chat. 

Spent some time browsing photography sites for inspiration.  Thank goodness for the internet. It's a lifeline during lockdown.

Take care everyone. 

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