
Alarm went off at some ungodly hour this morning, after a rubbish nights sleep, as we knew we needed to be up early......I didn't feel great, hub even less so, but we dragged ourselves up, got ready, had breakfast and made it out thr door just after 8am.

Hubs breathing wasnt great, im sure partly down to the early start, plus him being somewhat anxious about todays appointment, a different department, staff, treatment to come. The traffic wasnt to bad and we arrived with five minutes to spare. Usual routine, drop off point, wheelchair, screening then left hub in waiting area whilst I rushed back to the car left in the drop off zone, drove it out, around the corner, into the car park, very busy, found a space though, then a dash back, collected hub, whizzed him up the corridors, just 10 minutes late.

We were met, had a chat, then hub went in for the planning scan, before we met the Doctor who will be planning his treatment. Whilst we were waiting, 2 porters pushed a bed right by us, on it lay a small sleeping child, a little girl I think, so very pale, just a tiny bit of fluffy hair....we both just looked at each other and cried, a sight I wont be able to unsee :-( so sad

We had a long chat with the Doctor, she put our minds at rest, answered all hubs questions before he signed his consent form. We were given appointment times for all five sessions, first one this Friday, then Mon-Thur next week. We were done and on our way home by 11am

First stop Costa, coffee and an earlyish lunch
as we were both feeling hungry. It was still dull and grey but hub was happy to people watch for half a hour whilst I got,a few steps in and called into the bakery on my way back to the car.

A few chores when we got back, hub was watching Cheltenham when I left home again around 3 for my second walk. Same route as yesterday, these poplars, that were cut back hard a few years ago were glinting in what turned out to be a gorgeous spring like afternoon. Not sure if they will prove poplar though ;-))

I was on my way home when I heard someone call my name, one of our old neighbours, had a quick chat, but was conscious how long Id been out, so was soon home again. Steps total achieved, as you can see in extras.
The link here as usual if you can please :-)

Cooked a piece of ham for dinner tonight, had it sliced warm, with a cheese omlette :-)

Not really watched anything on tv tonight, hubs been flicking.....;-) he said he feels a bit better again today, so we are hopeful te steroids are beginning to improve things, fingers crossed.

I hope,you are all keeping well and safe as always.

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