Gradual greening

We slept pretty well.....woke then dozed until around 8.45 ;-) The builders opposite didnt start till late as it was a wet grey morning.

Hubs appetite seems to be improving, cornflakes, toast & tea for brekkie, usual for me. Hub wanted to shower, so took his time, used jeans help a little and the recent tip,we got from one of the District Nurses about investing in a traditional towelling robe, to save the effort of drying himself, works a treat ;-)

Once we were downstairs, I washed up, did a bit of tidying around, put some laundry on, bed made, hub was up for going out for a coffee so we drove in to town, temperature was slightly warmer today.

By the time we had drank our coffee, it had stopped raining, so I went off for a quick half hour walk, stopping off for one or two bits we needed on my way back to the car.

Home for lunch, which today was a rump steak burger from thr butchers, in a toasted bun with salad, mayo and mustard....really tasty!

Hub settled down to watch the cricket and for the first day of the Cheltneham Festival. I soeted out the laundry, made him a cuppa then decided to go for a longer walk, as the weater had really brightened up.

I enjoyed my walk, took a few pics, this ismthe one I liked best, you can just see themgreen hues starting to show on the trees, not a soul around, the odd car, but that was it, just me the breeze and the birds twittering.....posted a pic as I was walking......hub commented "wish I was with you" got me a bit choked :-( On the way home I stopped off at the Dry Cleaners, part of a laundrettes, to collect some curtains.
By the time I got home Id topped 12k steps.
Hub was having a little potter around the back garden when I got back, which is an encouraging sign :-)

I am just over half way through my walking challenge now, Day 16, steps @ 185,000 so far......please click the link if you can help.
I am hoping some people are holding off donating until I have completed the challenge, which is understandable of course :-))

Dinner tonight was a quick n easy prawn linguine, followed by an M&S scone, yum!

We took part in an on line quiz with friends tonight, pipped by one point :-/

An early night beckons tonight as we a 9am appointment at the hospital, so we need to be away from home by 8am......hub will need a good while to get going, so an early alarm call is required.

Thanks for all your recent messages of support and encoiragement, you're just the best :-)))

Keep on taking care and staying safe all.

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