Another anemone

After an iffy night we spoke with the nurse this morning, resulting in a swift drive over to Christies late morning as hubs consultant felt it best she saw him......which she did, after we had been for xray. I got plenty of steps in, dropped hub off, then walked back from the car park, a really long walk to the consuting rooms, pushing hub in a wheelchair, then doubling back past the entrance, to xray, then back to clinic for a chat eith consultant.

Outcome is that there doesnt seem to be any new developments, all seems as was, which is good, but she does want to do ct scan so she can be sure. She is going to speak to radiotherapy too to get appointments arranged. She has bumped his steriods up for a couple of weeks which should settle down the symptoms, so fingers crossed, a couple of days and he should be feeling better.

We were on our way home by 3 having had a bit of a wait for a prescription.....we were parched and starving, so no prizes for guessing where we headed ;-) After coffee I went for a quick walk around the block, then called into Iceland for a couple of things we needed.

Feeling refreshed we drove in just before 5pm. Unpacked the holdall, we always put it in the boot, just in case ;-) Updated family then added new meds to this weeks containers, prepped dinner, pork chops, sauted potatoes and side salad. Did a few laps around the house, to top my steps up whilst it was cooking :-) Total in extras, link below if you would like to click it, thank you :D

Got todays blip from the garden, I just noticed it swaying in the breeze beside the rose arbour, thought it looked so pretty!!

We are both feeling a bit more relaxed tonight knowing hes been checked over. We've watched some tv, including Unforgotten, which is on now, so good!

Hopefully a good nights sleep to come and settling symptoms will see things improving tomorrow, fingers crossed!

Keep on staying safe all.

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