Here's looking at you kid

A real mix of a day...I've felt quite heavy really...So many friends in such desperate need. We had time in the morning with a couple of friends on the streets, talking about Mick's memorial and getting their input. At one point one of them said Mick's sister had called and said 'he must have been a nightmare to live with.' Their response to her was 'he's a nightmare not to live with.' I felt so touched by that.  Later in the morning another friend was very very tearful and in despair. What else to do but hold her hand and listen??? I cooked lunch for a couple of people...someone didn't show up for theirs but another woman did instead, so that was good. She's someone I find really challenging, so it was good to have some time with her. She has a heroin addiction and it means she can be very unpredictable, but today she was more coherent. 
Nate was also sent home from school because of his persistent cough. An odd day today! 
Also heard today we'll be having a friend from the prison stay this weekend - must clean!!!!! And then Sunday I'll be able to go visit Sole in the prison for a 'Cristal' visit, a though-the-glass visit.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) 9,30am prayers with 24-7.
2) Getting a crazy amount of prayer bracelet orders through this evening! So encouraging!
3) Coffee with Claire at Nude. 

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