Bountiful Bracelets

Today the restrictions lifted a bit and cafe terraces were allowed to reopen at 50% capacity, from 9-5pm! It was sooo lovely walking home from the post office, seeing happy people sat nattering. Currently you can only have a max of 4 people on a table from 2 households. 
Took the kids to Nude for lunch - great whoops of delight from them both! 
Made more bracelets this afternoon - we've sent out well over 50 now! If anyone wants one, send me an email (address in my bio) and we'll pop one in the post for you. We're sending them out as gifts throughout Lent...the idea is you assign a big bead to a person or cause you'd like to pray for regularly, or pray a blessing over. 
Skype with Abby imminently, always good to chat with her!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The birds singing, the people looking happy, the smell of coffee as I walked past the cafes. 
2) Listening to Brené Brown's podcast as I cleaned this morning - felt really struck by this line from one of her guests; "If you can't hear me then you can't see me". Who in my life do I think I'm seeing, but I'm not taking time to really listen to them??
3) The family tea time YouTube game - every now and again we take it in turns to play a track, going round and round the table til dinner is over - loved listening to this U2 track. Such good lyrics and tune.

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