A most definite EB tonight - no pic til after the kids were in bed! One of those days going from one thing to the next. Danny and I usually go for coffee and a walk somewhere for our date time on Wednesday mornings, but we got such a rush of blessing bracelet requests yesterday that we stayed home and made more...Danny was on addresses and the note we add to the bags. We've sent out 93 now! We were hoping for 40!!

A lunch date with Rich to have some Spanish conversation - as ever, fantastic to see him...but a pretty punctuated time as pretty much every street friend came over. The challenging woman from yesterday was around and very very loud and angry. It's difficult because she stops to chat, but then the cafes we frequent are unhappy that there are homeless people there too. Hard to know what to do for the best really...
Danny and I have just sorted through our clothes stock we have for homeless friends, the main charity here, Caritas, have absolutely nothing, so we're taking a big load of our stuff for them tomorrow. 
A bit of painting this afternoon with the kids - love these metallic-y paints though I can't photograph them well, especially at 9,15pm when there's no decent light left! I do find art, painting, jewellery-making, very therapeutic. I think I'm a frustrated art teacher, I just want to experiment and be surround by paints and colour! Ha!

Drama of the day;
Danny's mobile phone being run over - it's very much deceased now.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fun WhatsApp chat with Mishkid this morning. A nice way to start the day!
2) Danny's willingness to help out with the bracelets. And his agreement that making them is time well-spent.
3) Rich's kindness to our friends on the street.

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