
By Mindseye

Tree skeletons

We both slept great.....woke up feeling refreshed, so we were hoping hub would feel better but it was all downhill from there :-/
Once up he didn't feel too good, really struggled getting himself showered & dressed, needed a helping hand, he was out of puff, frustrated & sad, emotions overflowed, tough for both of us to deal with, but we rallied and after breakfast was done, we took ourselves out in the car for a coffee to cheer us. Hub said he was ok sat in the car whilst I did a quick circuit to get my step count going for the day. I do walk very quickly and am constantly looking at my phone, checking the time, my messages and the step counter..... relaxing it is not :-/

We went home for some lunch, hub fancied a prawn & marie rose sauce filled baguette, which was duly prepped and consumed ;-)
I had a chicken pasta mugshot :-/ After a cuppa, hub settled down to watch the horse racing for a while. The post had arrived when we vot home, amongst other things, there was a little padded yellow felt star with a smiley face, described as a pocket hug, sent from two kind friends :-) It couldnt have arrived at a better time. Five minutes later there was a knock on the door, a neighbour opposite had taken in a parcel, addressed go me..containing items that required refridgeration, so I had to open it.A lovely breakfast hamper for Mothers Day from youngest & DiL....smoked salmon and Prosecco now in the fridge ;-)

Hub encouraged me to go for my afternoon walk whilst the sun was shining, which I did.
It was soooo windy on the top road, as I made my way around the loop. The clouds were scudding across the sky......I liked how the trees looked on the horizon in this shot.
It was actually hard work walking back home, into the biting wind, but with 11,500 steps counted by the time I got back, I was happy with that. Hub was ok, sat in his recliner watching the football on tv and the rugby on his tablet when I walked in, looking like a mad woman, hair everywhere lol!! We were pleased with both results ;-))

Todays steps currently stand at just over 12k, and my fundraising total has crept up to just over £1250 so far, if you havent and you can, please click the link below, thank you :-)


I made spaghetti carbonara for dinner this evening, a slimming world version, which is really tasty, pity we've both been eating chocolate and pringles whilst having a drink, watching the golf! Think the brits are blowing it!!

I have everything crossed that hub feels better tomorrow, having had a relaxing and restful day today. He has read up on the radiotherapy treatment info that was sent to us and we have agreed that we will make a phone call on Monday.

Hope,you are all enjoying your weekend so far and keeping safe of course.

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