My Only Visitor

He emptied out the peanut feeder and then ran off.  There are several of these little black squirrels who stop by but they're more skittish than the grey ones and are very hard to photograph.  

I had a nasty fall tonight, fortunately right at my front door, one of several falls I've had in the past few months.  I didn't trip or run into anything, but the falls are peculiar in that I can be walking along and the upper half of my body just gets ahead of the lower and down I go.  So now I'm nursing various bruises all over the left side of my body but fortunately, nothing broke.  I landed on some potted plants and pretty well hit everything from my head down to my hip.  I'm going to have to get a cane because it's scary to suddenly have a problem like that.  I'm sure it has something to do with balance, although I don't get dizzy or anything.  The comical part of it was that I couldn't get up but I managed to unlock my door and crawl inside where I could get a gri[p on something to pull myself up.  I'm pretty sure it looked as though I'd had too much to drink and was crawling home, but fortunately there was nobody around to witness the event.  

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