
By Mindseye

St. Oswalds on a sunny Saturday

Not the best nights sleep for me, but hub was ok ;-) We woke just after 8, I went to make us a quick brew, whilst hub put the cricket on!

Up fairly sharpish, although this barnet of mine is taking forever to dry, its got so long!
Hub got fed up of waiting for me, came back upstairs to check my status, as coffee was calling lol!!

Drove into town, offees purchased & consumed, another timely text from the chemists, so on my way back from my walk I called to collect, picked up some part baked baguettes & lemons for dinner this evening.

Back home nefore midday as we were expecting our daughters friends son, who provides a mobile car valet service, to come give our neglected motor a face lift ;-) A full on two hours of pampering, saw it sleek shiney & sizzling........sounds like the kind of pampering Id benefit from lol!!!

I went out for another late afternoon walk, left hub watching his team on tv.....he was fearing the worst :-/ I clocked up the necessary steps to smash my daily target, as you can see in extras. Before todays steps I had clocked up 59,500 steps, circa 28 miles in 5 days :-D
My fundraising for Cancer Research is now almost £re is still plentymof,time to support the cause if you'd like, just click the link below :-))

I got my blip today whilst I was out walking. It turned into a sunny afternoon and St. Oswalkds Church was looking really lovely against the blue skies, so here you have it :-)

When I got home, I was pleased to find hub was happy....his team had a 0-2 lead, ehi hmthey held on to, so happy hub!!

Dinner tonight was garlic n chilli prawns in a buttery lemon and white wine sauce, with fresh warm crusty bread for soaking up the liquor, so good :-))) Hub had a whisky & coke with his and I had a glass of prosecco :-)

We have watched the first episode in Series 3 of Deutshcland 89, really good and we are currently watching The Voice semi finals.

Well best sign off for tonight, hub wants some cheese on toast lol........hope youre all having a safe and enjoyable weekend :-)

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