
By Mindseye


Hub slept like a log, me not so bad, but I was awake briefly every couple of hours for some reason, Oxygen off at 4.30, awake at 8.30 up and downstairs by 9.30 :-). Breakfast was a toasted scone from the afternoon tea for hub, fruit & yogurt for me. The front garden birthday balloons are all still in tact....we decided to leave them for today :-)

A bit of a grey day after the recent sunshine, much colder too, only 3 degrees when we got into the car to go for our coffee! Needed the derrière warmers on ;-) Got our coffees, sat in the car consuming them, hub had no sooner started than finished, so a second one was required! Id been talking to thrmgirls saying it had been his birthday, so the second was was kindly given for free......I didnt have one, left hub drinking his and went off to clock up some of todays steps :-) Got my second coffee before getting back to the car.

Home for lunch, an egg & bacon roll....... whilst watching the Budget announcements. There were more birthday cards that turned up in the post today, I think hes had 35 in all!!!

Hub wanted to have a walk mid afternoon so off we went around Georges Pond, middle son rang as we were walking, so we kept on walking and by the time we had finished we had done two laps of the lake, furthest hub has gone, around 2500 steps today :-)
I left him just before home and continued on to make sure I got my 10k steps in for the day. Current total for today 11,267, see extra. Donations continue at a steady pace with gift aid they have topped £900 today :-) You can still donate if youd like, by clicking below :-)

I took todays blip whilst making us a brew in the kitchen this morning.....the mug was one of hubs gifts off middle son yesterday. It did. make us laugh when he opened it :-))))

Dinner tonight was left over turkey, jacket potato, peas & gravy for me, hub had fries with his, followed by rice pudding ;-) We have a lovely "Colin the Caterpillar" chocolate cake waiting to be sliced, but I am going to do that tomorrow and share it around the "Drive" as the neighbours kindly bought it for hubs birthday.

Just as we finished dinner there was a knock on the door, our ex neighbour and her daughter, they only moved away in December, with a card and gift for hubs!! It was lovely to see them both.

Youngest son has just called for a quick catch up and to hear how hubs birthday went. Hubs also been chatting to daughter too.

We are currently watching my team play, another game where we should be 2/3 up, but are not, getting more boring as the game goes on :-/ Manchester Derby next, that should be a laugh!

Hope you are all staying safe and keeping well

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