Birthday Boy

Woke up reasonably early, hub didnt have the best night, but not too bad. We knew today was going to be a busy day, as its hubs 70th Birthday :-))

I had already squirrelled away various cards and gifts that had been delivered in the last couple of days. Once we were up and downstairs hub set about opening them all, such a spoilt boy ;-)

I had to nip out to collect what I had pre ordered, an Afternoon Tea for two, should have been delivered; the road closure put pay to that :-/

Once I got back, sis arrived not long after. Its been so long since we've seen each other, we all chatted away through the window for an hour, the time flew by, I forgot to take a photo sadly :-( Sis gave hub his card and pressies and me some lovely flowers before she left.

We took ourselves into the Summerhouse to enjoy our Afternoon Tea, with a little tipple ;-)
It was lovely, we sat with themdoors open, the sun streaming in. There was enough food for 4, will probably last us a few days, there was so much, but really lovely!

Hubs had a steady stream of visitors on and off all day long, family, friends & later on, our whole "Drive" congregated outside our house, complete with Birthday balloons, banners, a cake with candles, they treated hub to a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" ending in a massive joint blast on their party blowers :-))
It was so lovely, did reduce him to happy tears!

I dashed out after our neighbours had done their thing to get my 10k steps in, got back just before dark, just made it today, but its done, as you can see in extras :-) More thank yous are due, you know who you are :-)
There is still plenty of time to donate if you would like :-) just click the link below :-)

No dinner as such tonight, just cheese, crackers, fruit and another little tipple....had to try one of his new whiskeys ;-)

We've just watched Unforgotten and Marcella, enjoyed both.

Todays blip had to be a collage to record the various comings & goings that ha e made hubs birthday the best it could be in the circumstances :-D Lots of thanks go to our family, friends & neighbours, we are very lucky!

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