Here we go again – Day 58

Isn't it cold peeps? After sitting on our balcony in the sunshine on Monday; the last couple of days have been really cold. The temperature gauge in the car told us it was 3C but we think it was lying. It's been mega cold all day.

Anyway we've got a new project. You all know how my human likes her projects?!! 'Strava Art'!!!  For those of you who don't know; 'Strava' is an app for measuring walks/runs/cycles etc. It maps where you go so Ann decided that our project for March would be Strava Art. 

Mmmmmm.............. it's not as easy as it sounds. It's really accurate so if you zoom into it, it actually records where I've had a poo and the map shows Ann walking back to pick it up. OK.OK. Too much information. Apart from today we're not going to post all our Strava Art on BLIP but it's out there for any of you to see on Strava or Instagram if you're interested. Not sure how to put in a link to either of these social media platforms because my human doesn't use them much.  However we seem to have followers on Instagram that we don't know, so assuming they're Blippers who's real names we're not familiar with.  Who knows??!!

This morning Ann decided that we would trek about in the centre of town and 'draw a house' (see extras). The centre of town was very quiet, unlike the suburbs of Edinburgh which are as busy as they would be if we weren't in lock down. Anyway we trekked around in the cold for more than 5 miles and then jumped on a bus and came home.

This afternoon I went to the park to play with my ball. Playing with my ball really exhausts me so after 10 mins I had to lie down for a little rest. Ann made me play for half an hour just to make sure I was properly tired. I am!!!

Happy Wednesday evening Blippers xxx

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