Wild Beaver

Delighted to get this water colour by Lizzie Jones in the post this morning. I ‘won’ it in a silent auction to raise funds for the Scottish Wild Beaver Group.  I love the way the tail is submerged in the water. Appropriate too on a day when beavers returned to the city of Perth. Reminds me of a work trip, in a different life, to Vilnius and getting a few hours off to do some sight seeing which included a beaver lodge right in the city on a tributary of the Vilnia. I believe that beaver now appears on Lithuanian restaurant menus. 
Finished the 30-day challenge with Adriene. I will either repeat it or now I’m fairly motivated I might give some of the longer session with the Nuffield a go. I quite like the sound of Rocket Yoga with Sabrina.
A good day for Scottish COVID data too. Positivity levels below 4% and cases just under 700. Hopefully this will continue in the right direction. I probably read far too much about the virus for my own sanity but it was interesting too see a scientific report (forget the source) suggesting that the dominant variant is more transmissible not because of increased viral load but because the period of infection is longer.

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