2021 daffodils
These will be a unique display. I have never been particularly fond of daffodils (indoor ones) which I think I can trace back to a Form 1 art class. Two decades on I was astonished at the artistic efforts of a daffodil painting by an eight year old A and it adorned the bathroom in our previous house for many years, joined a couple of years later with a finger painting based on Van Goghs starry night by M. Sadly, in retrospect, I disposed of both when we moved to Glasgow two years ago this weekend.
Terrible weather which is why I was reduced to this blip. I ventured out to get a frame for the beaver painting and on my return stayed put. Rocket Yoga was a doable challenge but probably not one for every day. Three times a week perhaps, interspersed by the more gentle yoga with Adriene.
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