Damned cold (Day 2092)

The wind really picked up overnight and it was bitterly cold for the morning woofer walk.
Back home later, I got stuck in to a bit of batch cooking. A bit later I made my way to town to collect stuff from my beautiful wife and get instructions for hoss duties. The very strong wind was ripping snow off fields and dumping it in big drifts on the road. Progress was very slow, and it was clear that HV wouldn't fare well trying to go anywhere in her car.
I stopped briefly at home to collect the woofers and made my way to Stromness, stopping on the way to help get someone out of a snow drift. The horses were all a bit wound up and uncooperative when I got to the yard. The gale of wind blowing made everything way more difficult than it needed to be and consequently more time consuming. When I finally got finished with the horses, I took the woofers to the shore for an airing. It was damned cold and I have had more pleasant walks.
The drive home was tricky with total white out conditions at points. The snow plough teams are doing their best but fighting a losing battle. As fast as they clear the snow, it drifts back in again.
I was back home in time for a spot of lunch before the start of the rugby.
HV's 24 hour shift has been stretched out to 46 hours as her replacement is unable to get to work. The main road between Stromness and Kirkwall is now closed in a couple of places. Hopefully the thaw will come soon.

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