If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Not a good photo I really must put more practice into close up photography.

THis morning I enjoyed a fascinating webinar on Lichens by "Into the hills" of this parish.  Fired up with enthusiasm and with my FSC cards in hand I braved the cold and went into the garden looking for lichens.  This one I found on a twig of the Whitebeam.  So I tried my hand at identification.

Does it belong to one of the three main groups (I can't cope with all 9 yet)?  Tick.  It think it is a foliose lichen.
Is it pale grey to green?  Tick.  It is a sort of greenish grey.
Lower surface dark brown to black?   Tick. Black.
Is the upper surface a uniform colour.   To me it looks uniform so tick.
Are there soredia on the thallus edges?  Well if the whitish things I saw with my x10 glass are soredia then tick.
Now look at the photo.  Yes it looks like it.  The text below the pic says upturned edges to the lobes.  Well I would call them upturned so a tentative tick.  Occasional eyelash like cilia, well there were some things sticking up at points on the thallus.
Rhizines simple.  Once I had looked up what a rhizine was I assumed simple meant unbranched.   If that is a correct interpretation then yes they were present.

So after much going back to reexamine the specimen I have very very tentatively decided it might be:     Parmotrema perlatum

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